Author Archives: Office APOLIN

Terbukti di WTO! Uni Eropa Diskriminasi Minyak Sawit dan Biofuel Indonesia

Terbukti di WTO! Uni Eropa Diskriminasi Minyak Sawit dan Biofuel Indonesia

Terbukti di WTO! Uni Eropa Diskriminasi Minyak Sawit dan Biofuel Indonesia Jakarta – Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia (World Trade Organization/WTO) menyatakan bahwa Uni Eropa (UE) telah melakukan diskriminasi terhadap minyak sawit dan biofuel berbahan baku kelapa sawit asal Indonesia. Hal ini tertuang dalam Laporan Hasil Putusan Panel WTO (Panel Report) yang disirkulasikan pada 10 Januari 2025. […]

Ada Usulan Tambahan Industri Penikmat Gas Murah, Keputusan di Prabowo

Ada Usulan Tambahan Industri Penikmat Gas Murah, Keputusan di Prabowo

Ada Usulan Tambahan Industri Penikmat Gas Murah, Keputusan di Prabowo Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengungkapkan adanya usulan tambahan industri penerima Harga Gas Bumi Tertentu (HGBT) untuk tahun 2025. Hingga tahun 2024, tercatat ada 258 industri yang telah menerima manfaat dari kebijakan HGBT, yang menetapkan harga gas sebesar USD […]

Kemendag Menerima Kunjungan Asosiasi Kelapa Sawit Indonesia

Kemendag Menerima Kunjungan Asosiasi Kelapa Sawit Indonesia

Direktur Jenderal Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional, Mardyana Listyowati menerima kunjungan Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (GAPKI), Gabungan Industri Minyak Nabati Indonesia (GIMNI), dan Asosiasi Produsen Oleochemical Indonesia (Apolin) di Kantor Kementerian Perdagangan, Jakarta, Rabu (13 Nov). Dalam pertemuan tersebut, GAPKI melaporkan rencana penandatanganan kesepakatan bersama antara China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Foodstuffs, […]

USU Faculty of Law and PT Musim Mas Collaborate to Renovate Facilities

USU Faculty of Law and PT Musim Mas Collaborate to Renovate Facilities

“I am very pleased to see this cooperation being carried out directly at the faculty level. This comprehensive renovation is expected to improve the quality of learning and provide comfort for the FH USU academic community,” said Vice Rector V. USU PR – The Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara (FH USU) successfully signed a […]

Enabling Regenerative Agriculture for Independent Smallholders in Indonesia:

Enabling Regenerative Agriculture for Independent Smallholders in Indonesia:

Enabling Regenerative Agriculture for Independent Smallholders in Indonesia: The BIPOSC Project, in Collaboration with Musim Mas, L3F, SNV Indonesia, and ICRAF JAKARTA, Indonesia, Oct. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Musim Mas Group, the Livelihoods Fund for Family Farming (L3F), SNV Indonesia, and World Agroforestry (ICRAF) are collaborating to improve the knowledge and capacity of independent oil […]

Asia-Pacific Oleochemicals Market Increasing Demand and Dynamic Growth with Forecast by 2028 As Discussed In New Market Research Report

Asia-Pacific Oleochemicals Market Increasing Demand and Dynamic Growth with Forecast by 2028 As Discussed In New Market Research Report

Rise in demand from the end-user industries and surge in demand for sustainable and biodegradable products drive the growth of the Asia-Pacific oleochemicals market. According to a report by Allied Market Research, the Asia-Pacific oleochemicals market was valued at $14.8 billion in 2020 and is projected to grow to $26.5 billion by 2028, registering a compound annual […]

Seasonal Bull Run of Palm Oil Puts Pressure on Fatty Acid Prices in US and China

Seasonal Bull Run of Palm Oil Puts Pressure on Fatty Acid Prices in US and China

Fatty Acid prices in both China and the US witnessed an upward trend in September. The rise in Fatty Acid prices was primarily attributed to the growing demand for palm oil in the global market. Despite a modest decrease in crude palm oil (CPO) production, Malaysia’s CPO exports increased in September. However, the country’s CPO […]

EU deforestation law: Council agrees to extend application timeline

EU deforestation law: Council agrees to extend application timeline

Today, the Council agreed on its position on the targeted amendment of the EU deforestation regulation, postponing its date of application by 12 months. This postponement will allow third countries, member states, operators and traders to be fully prepared in their due diligence obligations, which is to ensure that certain commodities and products sold in […]

Sensor VEGA Mengoptimalkan Proses Oleokimia di EOB-Indonesia – InfoSAWIT

Sensor VEGA Mengoptimalkan Proses Oleokimia di EOB-Indonesia – InfoSAWIT

Keunggulan Sensor VEGA Penerapan sensor VEGA telah memberikan beberapa keuntungan bagi operasional EOB-Indonesia, termasuk harga yang kompetitif, pengiriman tepat waktu, dan dukungan teknis yang sangat baik. Konektivitas Bluetooth sensor VEGAFLEX 86 dengan aplikasi VEGA Tools memungkinkan konfigurasi dan kalibrasi yang mudah, mengurangi kebutuhan akan alat tambahan dan menyederhanakan tugas pemeliharaan. Bermitra untuk Sukses Kemitraan antara […]

Permintaan Kosmetik Berbasis Sawit, Oleokimia Hingga Biodiesel Terus Naik

Permintaan Kosmetik Berbasis Sawit, Oleokimia Hingga Biodiesel Terus Naik

Tren permintaan produk turunan sawit seperti kosmetik berbasis sawit, oleokimia,biodiesel terus meningkat. “Para pelaku usaha harus memanfaatkan peluang yang muncul di tengah tantangan yang dihadapi produk sawit Indonesia. Tidak jarang peluang yang muncul nantinya dapat pula meningkatkan daya saing produk di pasar global,” tegas Staf Ahli Bidang Hubungan Internasional Kementerian Perdagangan, Dandy Satria Iswara. Hal itu disampaikan […]