Menteri Perdagangan, Budi Santoso menerima Ketua Dewan Minyak Sawit Indonesia (DMSI), Sahat M Sinaga di Kantor Kementerian Perdagangan, Jakarta, Senin (9 Des). Pertemuan tersebut membahas mengenai sektor industri sawit nasional, rencana kebijakan mandatori penggunaan Biodiesel (B40) mulai tahun 2025, serta stabilisasi harga minyak goreng. Mendag menyampaikan, terkait dengan rencana kebijakan mandatori penggunaan biodiesel (B40) mulai […]
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“I am very pleased to see this cooperation being carried out directly at the faculty level. This comprehensive renovation is expected to improve the quality of learning and provide comfort for the FH USU academic community,” said Vice Rector V. USU PR – The Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara (FH USU) successfully signed a […]